Daily maintenance and overhaul items of GW series intermediate frequency coreless induction melting furnace

Release Time:2022-08-24Pageviews:455

The daily maintenance and repair work of induction furnace is very important. It can detect various hidden dangers in time, avoid major accidents and ensure long-term safe production, and promote the improvement of casting output and quality. See table (1, 2, 3, 4) for the maintenance and overhaul of induction furnace lining, induction coil, windable wire (water-cooled cable), furnace cover, hydraulic system, cooling system, electrical system, etc.


Table 1

Maintenance item

Maintenance and repair content

Maintenance time and frequency

Prepare    Note



Whether the furnace lining is cracked

Check for cracks in the crucible

Before each start of the cold furnace

If the width of the crack is less than 2mm, and if there is no deep cutting chip and other objects will not be embedded in the crack, it is not necessary to repair, and it can still be used. Otherwise, it needs to be repaired before it can be used

Repair of liquid outlet

Observe whether there are cracks at the junction of the side fireplace lining and the liquid outlet

 When bleeding

Repair cracks if they occur

Repair of furnace lining at furnace bottom and slag line

Observe whether the furnace lining at the bottom of the furnace and the slag line is partially corroded

 After discharge

If there is obvious corrosion, it needs to be repaired




lock up

Visual inspection

aIs there any foreign matter attached to the surface of the coil?

b Are the assembly bolts of the top tightening coil loose?

 1 time/day

 1 time/day

Blow with workshop compressed air

Tighten the bolts

 Rubber tube

aIs there any looseness at the rubber pipe joint?

b Visually inspect the rubber tube for damage

 1 time/day

 1 time/week

Cooling water temperature at the coil outlet

Under the condition of rated molten metal volume and rated power, record the maximum and minimum temperature of cooling water in each branch of the coil

 1 time/day


Use workshop compressed air to blow away dust and melt spatter from the coil surface

 1 time/day


Pickling of sensor water pipes

1 time/1-2 years

with 5% dilute hydrochloric acid

can be wound

Sexual guidance


water cooling cable

aWhether there is water leakage or seepage

b check whether the cable touches the furnace pit

c Record the cable outlet water temperature at rated power

d Whether the water-cooled cable tube is aging and cracked

 1 time/day

 1 time/day

 1 time/week

 1 time/month


Table 2

Windable wire

Dry Cable  

aRemove the dust on the insulating glued wooden busbar splint

b Check whether the suspension bus bar is broken

 1 time/day

 1 time/week



refractory castable

Visual inspection of the thickness of the refractory filling layer in the furnace cover

 1 time/day

When the thickness of the refractory castable layer remains 1/2, the furnace cover lining should be rebuilt

add lubricating oil

Furnace cover pivot part

1 time/week


verb: move



Upper and lower bearing and high pressure pipe of oil cylinder

aIs there any traces of metal melt scald on the bearing part and the high-pressure pipe?

b oil leakage

1 time/week


1 time/day

Observe whether the support under the cylinder is oily or not, and remove the gland for inspection

Oil  Cylinder

a Whether there is leakage in the sealing part

b abnormal sound

1 time/day

1 time/day

When the furnace is tilted, when the oil cylinder block makes a sound such as tapping the oil cylinder, it is mostly due to the lack of oil in the bearing.

Tilting furnace limit switch

a movement check

Press the limit switch by hand, the oil pump should stop loading

b Is there any molten metal splashed on the limit switch?

1 time/week

1 time/week

add lubricating oil

All fuel fillers

1 time/week






Knife switch contactor

a Roughness and wear of main contacts

b Check whether the auxiliary contacts are in good contact and whether they are worn

c Is the arc chute carbonized?

d dust

eCheck if the screws are loose


1 time / half a year

1 time / half a year

1 time / half a year

1 time/month

1 time/week

When the roughness is serious, use a file, sandpaper, etc. to level it

When the contact is worn by 2/3, replace the contact

The carbonized part is polished with fine sandpaper

Sweep with workshop compressed air, wipe off dust with a cloth

Insulation resistance

Use a 1KV megger to measure the insulation resistance between the main circuit and the ground should be greater than 1MW

1 time/6 months


Check if the ground wire is good

1 time/month


Table 3

IF power cabinet

Cabinet appearance inspection

a Whether the components are damaged or burnt b Whether the terminals are loose or falling off

1 time/week
1 time/week

 If loose, it may burn out components

Action test

a Check whether the indicator light indicates whether the overcurrent and overvoltage actions are sensitive. c Whether the furnace leakage, phase loss, lack of water pressure, water temperature alarm, etc. are reliable

1 time/day
1 time/day
1 time/day

Dust removal in the cabinet

Clean with workshop compressed air

1 time/week


a Check the roughness of the contacts, and polish them with fine sandpaper if the roughness is serious. b Replace the contacts: if the contacts are severely worn, replace them.

1 time/3 months
1 time/2 years




Check the appearance

a Whether there is seepage and oil leakage b Whether the cooling insulating oil is added to the specified position

1 time/week
1 time/week

If the oil level drops, it should be replenished in time


a Check the daily temperature indication, it should be lower than the specified value
bCheck whether the temperature alarm is sensitive
cCheck whether the gas alarm and tripping are sensitive

1 time/day

1 time/month
1 time/month

sound and vibration

ausually check by listening and touching
binstrument measurement
other details refer to the transformer manual

1 time/week
1 time/year

Capacitor Banks

Check the appearance

a Check for oil and water leakage b Check for looseness of each terminal screw

1 time/day
1 time/week

If loosening occurs, the terminal part may change color due to overheating

Temperature around the capacitor bank

Measured with a mercury thermometer

1 time/day

Ventilate so that the ambient temperature does not exceed 40°C

Hydraulic device

Hydraulic oil

a The oil level displayed by the oil level gauge, whether the color of the oil has changed b Check the amount of dust in the hydraulic oil and the quality of the oil c Measure the temperature

1 time/week
1 time/half year once/half year

If the oil level drops, there is leakage in the circuit. When the quality is poor, the oil should be replaced.


Table 4


pressure gauge

Whether the tilting pressure is different from usual

1 time/week


Check if the noise of the pump is different than usual

1 time/week

When the pump is noisy, there are the following reasons: a. The air is sucked by the suction filter. b. The suction side of the pump sucks the air. c.

Pressure regulating valve

a When there is a time lag from the start of the pump to the pressure rise and when the noise of the pressure regulating valve becomes large, disassemble the pressure regulating valve for cleaning b When the furnace tilting speed is too slow, increase the pressure regulating valve within the maximum operating pressure range of the device the set pressure, the set pressure does not rise, remove it for cleaning


Disassemble the filter for cleaning

The first time is half a month,
the next time is
1 time/year


Visually inspect the piping for oil leaks

1 time/month

Cooling water circuit

Soft water cooling device


a Whether there is water leakage in each part of the device b Whether the noise and vibration of the motor and pump are different from usual c When the operation is stopped for a long time, or when the operation is stopped in winter or at night, the remaining water should be drained (refer to When the water temperature is lower than +5°C) d Wear and replacement of the gland gasket

1 time/day
1 time/month

2 years

Cooling tower backup waterway

Is the backup water supply normal?

1 time/month

(Party A's own equipment is for Party A's reference only)

cooling water circuit

cooling water distribution rack

aWhether the alarm value of the water pressure gauge is issued normally, and whether the pressure indication is different from usual bbWhether the thermometer indication is normal, and whether the alarm contact is abnormal
cWhether there is water leakage in the piping

 1 time/month

1 time/week

1 time/day

emergency equipment

Is the backup water pump normal?

1 time/week

Leakage furnace alarm device

Electrode lead wire inspection

a Whether the connection of the electrode lead wire is normal b Whether the electrode lead wire is grounded

1 time/day
1 time/day

This device is optional

Coil inspection

When dismantling the furnace:
Whether the coil is burnt due to molten metal
Whether the coil is uneven
Whether the coil is damaged

Dial Number